Safety is the state of being SAFE in everywhere and every moment, so the rules of safety should be considered, and to implement carefully, the construction industry has long recognized that construction is a high-risk series of activities requiring active safety measures every day.The accident frequency and severity rates in this industry are well above the averages of all other industries.
EBCON -L.L.C believes that NO JOB OR NO TASK IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WORKER HEALTH AND SAFETY. If a job represents a potential safety or health threat, every effort will be made to plan a safe way to do the task.
Every procedure must be a safe procedure. Shortcuts in safe procedures by either supervisor or workers will not be tolerated. If a worker observes any work activity which may pose a potential threat to their or others health or safety, he or she must inform management and management must take adequate precautions.
The EBCON recognizes the fact that hazards and risks are always associated with its operations activities. The OH&S Policy, stated in clause 1.2, had been framed to suit the nature and scale of these risks. It also outlines the EBCON’s commitments to prevent injury and ill health to its employees and other persons having access to its premises, to comply with legal requirements applicable to its hazards, and to continually improve its OH&S management system and performance.
OH&S Objectives have been defined in (Appendix-1) to achieve the stated OH&S policy. These objectives, including the OH&S policy (clause 1.2) and Emergency Response Contacts (Appendix 04 of Procedure # EBCON-HSP-004) are reviewed and revised, if necessary, during management review meetings in order to ensure continuing relevance and suitability to the EBCON.
This policy is internally communicated to EBCON personnel by displaying it in conspicuous locations inside the EBCON facility including Office locations, and also by including it in Induction training programs. This is done to make sure that all personnel are aware of their individual occupational health and safety obligations.